A dog and pony show - is a presentation that has flash or style, but no real content.
Dog days - dog days are very hot summer days.
Dog eat dog - there is intense competition and rivalry, where everybody for yourself.
Dog tired - you are exhausted with no energy.
Dog's dinner - dinner is a real mess - does not look smell or taste good.
Dog's life - can be very unfortunate and wretched life A miserably unhappy existence,
Dog-eared - If a book it is in bad condition, with torn pages, etc.
Doggy bag - in a restaurant, they will pack the food you haven't eaten for you to take home.
Dipstick - is a name for a stupid person, an idiot.
Do a runner - criminals run out of a restaurant without paying, they do a runner.
Do their dirty work - 'henchman' or subordinates or fixers carry out the unpleasant or illegal jobs that the boss doesn't want to do.
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